Friday, February 26, 2010

Bill Burki Returns to the Stage

Bill Burki returns to the stage this Saturday, February 27th at the Sly Fox in Burlington, WI. For the last two months, Bill has been recuperating at home following a major heart attack last December. His last gig was at Kelly's Bleachers II for the 2009 Toys For Tots benefit. It was at this gig, that Bill started to realize something was not right. After that show, Bill spent a week in the hospital.

Literally back from the dead, Bill is ready to rock the Sly Fox in Burlington! Come on out to the show and welcome him back in more ways than one!

Once again, we would like to personally thank Carl Stessl from the 7Wishes band and Craig Larson from the Sociables for filling in for Bill. These guys did an outstanding job on short notice to come in and fill Bill Burki's mighty shoes! Both of them are in excellent bands and we wish them much more future success. See ya on the road, Brothers!!

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